Sunday, September 6, 2009

Owen's Blessing!

Owen was blessed today by his Daddy. Here is the details of the blessing :D Oh yeah by the way Owen cried through most of it.

Owen's Baby Blessing
Sunday September 6, 2009

“Our Heavenly Father, by the authority of the Melchizidek Priesthood which we hold, we take this child in our arms and name him Owen Tyler Smith, and give him a blessing.”

“Owen, you are named 'Tyler' after your great-grandparents, Lynn and Lorraine Tyler, who by the example they've set throughout their lives, have left us a legacy to carry forward, you and me. It is a legacy of leading with love. This love will have to be developed.”

“As you come to make some of the mistakes that mortality will bring, and experience the need for a Savior, you will come to know of the transforming power of the Atonement and of your Savior's infinite love for you. This love, if you will let it, will be a light that will shine in your countenance. It will draw people to you and cause them to ask what you know that they don't. You will be the means of bringing many people to want to know their Savior because they first knew you.”

“I bless you with a tender regard for the women in your life. I encourage you to watch and learn with me as we take care of your mother and your sisters – and, some day, your wife and your daughters. I bless you with your mother's unswerving confidence in the guidance of a loving Heavenly Father.”

“Owen, your mother and I have heard and answered your unrelenting, unapologetic petition to have your turn on Earth. Now that you're here, there's much to be done! Let us go now. Let the preparations, the training, the study, the work, let the fun, and the good times and the joy of life begin!”

“These things we say in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

Owen was blessed by his father in a fast and testimony meeting held in the Lehi 25th Ward, Lehi First Stake. The following stood in the circle:

From the Bishopric:
Bishop Price
Brother Pope, First Counselor

From Father's Side of the Family:
Trent Smith, Father
James Smith, Grandfather
Brandon Smith, Uncle
Matthew “Matt” DeYoung, Uncle
Jacob Smith, Uncle

From Mother's Side of the Family:
Douglas St. Julien, Grandfather
David St. Julien, Uncle
Steven St. Julien, Uncle
Dan Hicken, Uncle
Harold “Hal” Throckmorton, Uncle

Trents Mom made this way cute cake for Owens party after his blessing. Thanks Dawn you're awesome!

1 comment:

  1. What cute pictures! I am so glad I got to be there for his blessing, it was really special and touching. :)
