Thursday, November 25, 2010

Owen's BIG news!

I think the pictures are self explanatory :)

Sorry they are tilted I can't figure out how to turn them :)
But below is a picture of the face and the hand is right by the face:)

Yup you read right!
We're having a GIRL!

I am due May 17 we are so excited!


  1. I am a little over 15 weeks and the baby totally wanted us to know she is a girl! The doctor said he was 100% sure it's a girl. We didn't tell my family until yesterday at Thanksgiving dinner and they didn't notice Owen's shirt for 2 hours! It was so much fun!

  2. Yahooooooooooooo!!! SOOOO Excited!!!!!!!!! LOL so funny they didn't notice Owen's shirt. When my sister announced her 2nd pregnancy that way, I was the dumbo who didn't notice either. So much fun though!

  3. That is so exciting!! Congratulations.
