Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

We started out the 4th of July
weekend with Livvy's blessing on
the morning of the 3rd of July
(That will be a post all on its own!)
Then we went to Trent's parents for
a BBQ and street fireworks!

Livvy with her glow stick! :)

Owen waving his glow stick!
He didn't like the fireworks all that much.
The loud ones really scared him and
he cried a little and clung onto
me for dear life.

We left Trent's parents at about 11 pm and
this is what happens to little boys
that stay up late!
(Isn't he so cute?!?!)
Notice he fell asleep with
his glow sticks :)

Then the next morning (4th of July)
Trent let me sleep in while the kids
"helped" him make breakfast!

It's hard work "helping" Daddy make breakfast!

Our little Chef in training!

Then that afternoon we met my family
up Squaw Peak for a canyon picnic!

Jack Jack :)

Grilling and hanging out with the family!

Owen running away thinking
He was so funny...
Mommy and Daddy did not
agree with his thinking!

It is such hard work being beautiful
that Livvy needed some beauty rest while at
the BBQ :)

My beautiful Niece Addy!

Jack, Addy and Owen loved rock climbing!

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July