Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Owen had an interesting Halloween this year...
I wasn't sure if I could even get him to wear a costume but as the pictures will testify he did actually wear a costume! I told him it was a cow jacket and that made him really want to wear it!

Before we went trick or treating Owen treated me and Livvy with singing us some primary songs! It was so stinking cute!
His current favorite primary songs to sing are
I am like a star
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.

After some songs we got in the car
and headed to trick or treat with Jenna and her kids.

The first house we went to they weren't home but
had suckers out in a dish and some halloween lights
and Owen kept saying "I'm ok, I'm ok" over and over again.

Then the next house we went to the guy had a scary mask on and Owen
started bawling and saying "I'm ok, I'm ok, it's scary, I'm ok, I'm ok"
He kept crying and saying "I'm ok" for like 10 minutes, then he realized that he was getting candy and decided he liked trick or treating :)

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