Thursday, February 28, 2013

Big news!

Big news at our house!
We are adding baby Number 3
at the end of August!

This pregnancy has by far been my hardest!
I have been SOOOOOOO sick!
I have had a hard time eating or keeping anything down so 
about 4 weeks ago the Doctor put me on Zofran and that is 
a miracle drug!
 While it doesn't take away all the nausea it does take away the vomiting and dry heaving.
 (as long as I can keep it down long enough to start working.)

I am hoping I start to feel better really soon seeing as I am less than a week away from my 2nd trimester!
I am really looking forward to no more vomiting and being less tired. My poor children have watched more movies over the last month than they have in their entire lives because I have just been so sick and tired.
But we are so happy to be adding this new little person into our family!


  1. Congrats! I am so happy for your cute family! I hope you start feeling better soon!

  2. So so exciting!! Stinks to be sick but hopefully out of the Woods soon!!!!! Congrats!
