Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Owen is 6!

I can not believe I have a 6 year old!
These years have just flown by!

Here are his Stats
Weight ~ 42 lbs ~ 27%

Height ~ 44.25 Inches ~ 27%

Here is his interview! :)

Favorite TV Show ~ Space Racers
Favorite Movie ~ Frozen
Favorite Color ~ Rainbow :)
Favorite Church song ~ Sunbeam
Favorite song ~ Roar by Katy Perry (Thanks to Ashley :) )
Best friend ~ Van
Favorite Food ~ Pizza
Favorite Snacks ~ Fruit snacks
Favorite toy ~ All his figurines
Favorite outside activity ~ Playing with friends
Favorite Disney Character ~ Miles
Favorite Animal ~ Cheetahs

We let Owen open his presents before
breakfast :)

Then pizza for dinner and birthday cake
with his BFF Ashley! :)
(He is having his party on Saturday)

Some fun about Owen!

He is reading WAY above grade level!
He loves to play pretend
He has a lot of friends around the neighborhood
He loves school
He loves to cuddle!
He says the cutest things still!
He likes to use big words and uses them correctly
He is gaining an awesome testimony of
Jesus and Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost
Owen reads to his little sisters and fiercely protects them!

We sure love our Owen and are SOOOO happy that
he was given to us and so glad he is in our family!

Happy birthday Owen!

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