Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Proud moments!

First proud moment today... OWEN IS 2 MONTHS NOW! Crazy! I took him to his 2 month check up and here are his stats
Weight: 10 lbs 13 OZ 30th%
Height: 23 In 54th%
Head: 15.5 35th%
He is getting so big! He was so happy when the nurse came in to give him his shots he was smiling and talking to her and you know what he was like after she gave him the shots? ... He was so sad! I almost started crying, I HATE seeing my baby being poked even if it is to keep him healthy.

Second proud moment... I lost 6.2 Lbs today!!! I am that much closer to looking like the picture below! I am way excited to be seeing numbers go down instead of up :)

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