Thursday, October 15, 2009

5 month old stats and some cute pictures!

I seriously can't believe my baby will be five months in like 5 days! He is growing up WAY, I mean WAY too fast! So here are his stats

Weight - 14.37LBS = 18.72%
Height - 25 IN = 28.26%
Head - 17.25 IN = 73.74% Yes my baby has a big head :) But he sure is cute!

Milestones - He can now roll anytime and anyway he would like to, He loves to talk to anyone who will listen :) Owen loves books and any toy he can get to his mouth and taste. He has been sleeping through the night since he was 2 and half months old and his nicknames are... monkey boy, buddy, stinky, handsome boy, love bug, smiley,baby Owen and Owie :) He is also very good at jumping in his jumperoo! He likes to be sung and talked to. All around I would say he is extremely cute, huggable and a melow kid! We love him and can't imagine our lives without him!

Here he is trying to show his Daddy that playing the piano is a piece of cake as long as you don't care what it sounds like :)

Just a cute picture :D

Since I have a serious problem with sticking to one subject I thought I would throw this picture in. To me rainbows are so beautiful and they distract me when I am driving so I pulled over and took this picture , you wouldn't believe how vivid the colors were. I haven't seen that clear of a rainbow in years, so I decided to "stop and smell the rainbow" :)


  1. Beautiful rainbow! Owen is so cute! I love him in is Bumbo at the piano! Too cute!

  2. he is such a cutie! i think he looks like you now :)

  3. He's adorable! You two have a lot to be proud of! :)
