Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

This year we had the girls for Easter and for a couple sessions of conference.
While Trent was picking up the girls Saturday morning Kohleen and I went to Target and Best buy between conference sessions to get some stuff.

Then we all watch the first hour of the second session of conference together at our house then we listened to conference on our way to Trent's parents house.

It has been a tradition to go to the in-laws during priesthood session so we all gathered there.... Me, Kohleen, Ayla, Bessie, Owen, Jenna, Rachel, Adam, Ashley, Emily, Austin, Logan, Anika, Jayden and of course Dawn/Grandma!

Owen "watching" conference

Kohleen and Owen

Uncle Jake with Owen and Ashley

We colored Easter eggs and decorated sugar cookies while the guys were at priesthood, although we started before they left.

Making the dye for the eggs :D

Ayla and Trent dying Easter eggs

Bessie waiting for her Easter eggs to get as dark
as she wanted them to be :)

Jenna, Adam, Dawn, Rachel and Bessie dying eggs

Ayla dying eggs

Ayla and her cookie
(well one of the many she decorated:) )

Me helping Bessie with her cookie

Grandma showing Bessie all the stuff she can put of her cookie

Trent helping the girls and trying to decide what treats he wanted to sneak :)

Bessie and her cookie

Ayla frosting a cookie

Incase anyone is confused I am holding Ashley in the picture not Owen :)
Owen was hanging out with Grandma at the moment :)

Owen being smushed between Me and Trent :)

Owen and Grandma

Ashley making her face :)

We had pizza for dinner, well except me
( I can't have pizza because of my gastric bypass so Dawn
had some egg/chicken salad that I had and it was yummy :) )
The kids had so much fun just playing and making a big mess! After the guys got home they ate and we hung out for a little longer, helped clean up and then we left.

Austin and Logan were so cute with Owen,
I was watching from the door way and Austin didn't know
and this is what I heard him say to Owen
"Here buddy I made this for you, it goes over your head, do you like it?"
Austin had made him a necklace out of the beads you see Owen holding :)
It was so cute! (Austin is in green)

Owen having his first taste of Cheesy Bread :) He LOVED it!

Whenever these two get together they have a great time!
Here is Rachel and Bessie eating cheesy bread they didn't want
a piece of pizza they just wanted cheesy bread :)

Anika, Ayla and Logan eating pizza

The Easter bunny visited our house last night while everyone was sleeping :) and left eggs hidden for the kids to find! They has so much fun looking for the eggs and playing with the little toys in their Easter baskets!

Don't you love the hole in our wall? Yeah I put that there, I dropped a weight while I was working out and put that lovely hole in our wall. Bright side? It was a great place to hide an egg where Owen could find it :)
By the way he totally pushed it into the wall while he was trying to get it out :)

Bessie holding Owen

Ayla holding Owen

Then we had eggs for breakfast and watched the first session of conference, now the house is super quiet because Trent is taking the girls home right now and Owen is taking a nap. Hopefully Trent and I will be able to watch the last hour of conference together this afternoon! I hope everyone is having a great Easter/Confernece weekend!

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