Saturday, June 12, 2010

Some June fun!

Owen tasted Bacon, Eggs and Orange juice for the first time this month.
He really liked the bacon but he didn't really like the eggs or Orange Juice.
Owen is a little stinker when it comes to trying new foods.
He wont really eat anything besides baby food, snacks
(gram crackers, goldfish, stars cherrios etc..)
and a couple other table foods.
Whenever we try to give him some he shakes his head no
or he wont open his mouth or he spits it out.
Oh well someday soon he will eat more table food until then bring on the baby food!

Owen trying bacon, eggs and OJ

We went to Ashley's birthday party at Wines park
and to everyones delight she smashed her cake with style!
Unlike Owen who wouldn't taste it and cried when we sang Happy Birthday to him :)

Owen showing off his "fake" smile and his new top teeth!
That brings the count to six teeth but you can only see 1 and a half on the top :)

This is what Owen likes to do with bark,
pick it up and then drop it, it is his favorite thing to do at the park :)

I took Bryce, Mabel and Owen to Seven Peaks.
Jenna and her kids came too! We had so much fun!

This morning we took the family to Orem's Summerfest where the girls did crafts, got kids identity cards, ate lunch and rode a carnival ride!
We had so much fun!

Ayla made a visor and a windmill

Bessie made a pig

Eating Lunch

Owen being cute

Tilt O whirl

While they were riding the ride Owen pushed his
stroller around and thought it was great fun!

Just a cute picture of Owen I had to throw in:)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like lots of fun for the Smiths! Owen is a cutie!
