I'm sitting here in my hospital room at 2:30am holding
my sweet baby girl and feeling so blessed and happy!
Here is her birth story...
I started having contractions that were super far apart
and not consistent at about 4 am Wednesday morning.
All day Wednesday I had contractions that were pretty painful
and about 30-45 minutes apart.
I wanted to get my mind off of them and try not to get excited so
my sister Suzie and I decided to go to a movie. At this point my contractions
were about 10-20 minutes apart.
After the movie I started getting excited thinking this might actually be it!
So we decided to go walking around Kohls and that is when the contractions started being about 4 minutes apart. Since it was pretty late and Kohls was closing
we decided to go do some more walking at Walmart.
At Walmart the contractions we still 4 minutes apart and really painful, after about an hour of Walmart walking I decided to go home.
I labored at home until midnight and then Me, Trent and Suzie loaded up
and went to the hospital. We left Owen in his bed being
watched by his Grandma Smith.
Once we got to the hospital they checked me and
I was 90% effaced and dilated to a 1 1/2.
They wanted to keep me but I had to show progress so I went downstairs and
walked around the hospital for about hour or so...
While walking the circle at the hospital I decided
I wanted to push a wheelchair for some stability and then
realized I needed counter weight so
I made Trent ride in the wheelchair. What a sight to see ...
Me a 40+ week woman pushing her hubby around,
it made me giggle and lots of the nurses giggle too! :0)
So after that walking I had progressed to
almost a three and was admitted.
I decided to get an epidural at about 4 am at
which time they decided to break my water.
Three hours later and my contractions had slowed
down to about 6 mins apart.
At about 7am the doctor started worrying about Livvy because
with every contraction her little heart rate dipped but not super low.
Around 9 they checked me and I hadn't dilated anymore.
The doctor then showed me that not only
was Livvy's heart rate dipping with every contraction but it was now going into the
6o's which they don't like to see it below 110.
Livvy's heart rate however did always recover afterwords.
I was inclined to keep going with the labor because she did always
recover. After Trent and I prayed about it and I got a blessing from Trent and his Dad
we were still confused as to what to do.
I hadn't slept in over 24 hours at this point and since Livvy wasn't in
immediate danger I felt like I needed to nap and clear
my head a little before making a decision.
After my whole 30 min nap I woke up with a huge impression
that this little girl needed to come out.
The nurse came in and we looked over her strip and sure enough it
was still always dipping but now it was staying
in the 60's through the whole contractions.
I had this pit in my stomach saying something was wrong
and most likely she was tangled in her cord.
There was no way my little Livvy could have tolerated
more labor and then pushing.
As soon as I decided for sure to go with
a c section a HUGE wave of peace came over me and Trent.
So about 30 mins later Livvy was born
and she had the cord wrapped tightly around her
neck 2 times!
I am so thankful for this Gospel and for guidance
from a loving Heavenly Father!
Livvy Darlene Smith was born at
6 Lbs 15 Oz
18 1/2 in
I am SO in love with this little girl!
Enjoy the pictures below! :0)
Just minutes old
Grandma and Grandpa St. Julien and Livvy!