Sunday, May 19, 2013

Livvy is 2!!!!

My baby girl is 2 today!
How did this happen so fast?!?

 from this May 19, 2011

To this May 19, 2013

Here are her stats!
Weight - 23lbs 5oz - 12%
Height - 33.25in - 44%

So many things to say about Livvy!

-She wears 12-18 month clothes.
-Wears size 3 diapers.
-She still wont eat much.
- She is saying and signing a lot more words!
-LOVES and I mean LOVES to color!
- Her laugh lights up a room.
- She likes to play with Owen as long as Owen lets her do exactly what she wants to do :)
- She sings the Alphabet song and it is so cute!
- She loves snuggles and hugs (She will pat your back when she is hugging you!)
- She sleeps from about 7:45pm-7:45am every night.
- The only thing we can guarantee
 to get in her tummy every day is Carnation Instant Breakfast.
-She is queen of BED HEAD!

-She is still teething and it's taking a long time for all her teeth to come in.
- She has a HUGE personality and is not quiet about letting you know when she doesn't like something.
- She loves balls.
-She still loves Mickey mouse but now loves Minnie too and she calls Minnie Ninnie :)
- She loves wearing her sunglasses!
-She is a outside girl and would live out there if I let her.

- She likes to play in the sand
- When Daddy comes home at night she always runs to the door yelling "Daddy, Daddy where are you?" 
-She is still working with Kids on the Move for eating and for speech.

We love our Livvy so much and can't possibly imagine our lives without her!

Love you Itty bitty girl, Happy birthday!

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